This page contains information and template files for Organic Reactions authors. To download the files below, right-click the links and select “Download Linked File” or “Save File As.”
Table Stationery Files
Use these instructions to prepare a stationery file for the table section of a chapter.
Table Pages
Follow these instructions to create pages for the table section of your chapter in ChemDraw.
Other Resources
Conversion of %ee to er
The table in this document facilitates the conversion of enantiomeric excess to enantiomeric ratio (and vice versa). An equation and Microsoft Excel formula are also provided.
EndNote Stationery File
This is an EndNote stationery file for Organic Reactions chapters.
ChemDraw Template for Graphics in Manuscripts
Please use this template to create graphics for inclusion in the chapter itself.
ChemDraw Template for Tables
Please use this template to create tabular surveys.
ChemDraw Tips and Tricks
A series of GIF images highlighting useful functions of ChemDraw.
Manuscript Template
This template includes all optional and required sections for the chapter, with instructions for each in blue. Please use this template to create the manuscript.
Instructions for Creating Tables (PowerPoint Presentation)
Follow these instructions to create tabular surveys.
Manuscript Guide (Updated 08/21/2022)
This document provides detailed guidelines for writing an Organic Reactions chapter.